Charlotte Frise
Consultant Obstetric Physician,
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Charlotte Frise is a consultant Obstetric Physician and is Lead Obstetric Physician for the NW London Maternal Medicine network. She is a senior college lecturer in Clinical Medicine at Keble College, Oxford. She is co-editor-in-chief of the journal Obstetric Medicine. She has also recently authored two textbooks: Obstetric Medicine, in the Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Obstetrics and Gynaecology series and Case Histories in Obstetric Medicine.
02-Oct-2024ACC Clinical Theatre DThe pregnant patient in the ITU
02-Oct-2024AGM Clinical Theatre CAn update on acute medicine for the pregnant patient
02-Oct-2024ACC Clinical Theatre DThe pregnant patient in the ITU
02-Oct-2024AGM Clinical Theatre CAn update on acute medicine for the pregnant patient